Volume III, Issue I Archive

e-ISSN: 2790-1378

Volume III, Issue I JANUARY 2024

VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1 JANUARY 2024 Publication of Original Articles and Case reports of MJH!


Beyond the surface: Unmasking the ubiquity of Trauma Normalization
 Eshetu Tumiso1* *1
1* Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Original Articles

Pattern and predictors of mortality in emergency department of Saint Paul Hospital millennium medical college Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Hospital based cross-sectional study.
Woldesenbet Waganew Dode*, Girma Alemayehu Beyene, Bethelehem Tebebe Dessie, Tesfaye Getachew Shawul, Selamawit Tigistu Mulat, Etsegent Aklog Afework, Rediat Teklewold Sahle, Zelalem Getahun Demessie, Belyou Enyew Kefale

Admission pattern and factors associated with treatment outcome of Orthopedics patients in Intensive Care Unit of Addis Ababa Burn Emergency and Trauma (AaBET) Hospital
Mateyas Bizualem*, Milkias Tsehaye, Habtewold Mulat*, Getachew Tilahun

Use of postnatal care services and determinant actors among women who gave birth in Addis Ababa
Henok Ketema, Kidanemariam G/Michael, Yonas Haylu

Utilization of integrated management of neonatal and childhood illness (IMNCI) guidelines and associated factors among health professionals working in health centers in the West Shoa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia
Dawit Bekele Hordofa*, Nagasa Dida and Yadeta Dessie Balcha

Knowledge, attitude, practices, and associated factors about glycemic control among Diabetes Mellitus patients at in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital
Yemane Mezgebe, Lemlem Beza, Birhanu Tesfaye, Yemane Gebremedhin

Pre-triage screening and isolation of patients suspected of COVID-19 in the Emergency Department of St. Paul`s Hospital Millennium Medical College.    
Zelalem Getahun, Yemane Gebremedhin*, Dessalegn Keney, Menbeu Sultan, Birhanetsehay Teklewold, Woldesenbet Waganew, Muluneh Kidane, Gaddisa Bedada, Bilisuma Mulisa, Dawit Garedew

Pattern and clinical profile of patients with cleft lip and palate at pediatrics surgical hospital in Ethiopia
Tesfaye Mulate & Firaol Dandena*

Case Studies

Case report on neglected patella fracture after simple TBW, qudricepsplasty, and POP splitting in resource-limited setup
Habtewold Mulat*, Samuel Workineh, Tariku Beriso, Simone Stefano Finzi