e-ISSN: 2790-1378
VOLUME IV, ISSUE I JANUARY 2025 Publication of Original Articles
Original Articles
Emergency department crowdedness level and its determinants at selected public hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Menbeu Sultan, Andualem Wubetie, Zelalem Getahun*
The magnitude of stroke and associated risk factors among adults at a tertiary hospital in Ethiopia.
Sisay Gizaw Geberemichael *, Teshom Nigussie, Samson Zegeye
Common clinical presentations and isolated bacteria profile among burn patients, at Addis Ababa Burn and Emergency Trauma Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Abeje Brhanu Menjeta 1, Addisu Gize 2, Surafel Tadesse Feleke1, Ibsa Kedir Hassen1, Mahteme Bekele Muleta1
Computed Tomography patterns of traumatic spine injury and their association with neurologic deficit at Addis Ababa burn emergency and trauma hospital.
Hawi Faris Muleta, Alexander Napoleon Kifle*
Henok Ketema* and Aregash Mekonnen
Case Studies
A case report of Pseudomembranous Colitis
Zelalem Mulu¹ & Mengistu Erkie
St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College P.O.BOX: 1271 Tel: 251-+251 112 75 01 25 info@sphmmc.edu.et Web site : https://sphmmc.edu.et/ Gulele Sub city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |